Last night I had two strange dreams that were so awkward beyond meaning.
Dream #1 -
One day I managed to get into cast's account by guessing her password (I dunno why I chose her, but then again dreams are strange to begin with) and I got to see the audio approval list and the mod forum. I immediately then began archiving all the threads in the mod forum (which would have been useless to show to the public because Wade will have locked out my accounts for showing mod forum screenshots) and the display of the approval list.
I don't remember what I did after that, but I did remember logging out and going back to this one for flagging.
Dream #2 -
I somehow had a dog in our house, and it literally fucked up everything in here. It knocked down all our stuff, ruined our clothes, and pissed and shit all over the house. Imagine that happening in your house (if you don't have a dog or cat that is)
Boy when I woke up I'm glad all of them weren't true for real.
Discuss any strange dreams you got.
I never thought our conversation would lead you to start recently havin weird dreams again.
Think I might wanna hold off tradin dreams with you for awhile.
The funny thing is, I was thinking about you when I was writing this news post since you discussed about the strange dreams in the open discussion post.
Yeah you should hold that off for awhile...