View Profile SuperMarioBrosS
This account is dead and useless - it is only used to gain 10 EXP. The account NGReviewEater is what I use the most so go there for latest updates. Don't expect anything here.

Sonic The Hedgehog @SuperMarioBrosS

Age 30, Male

Flagging Reviews

SE Pennsylvania

Joined on 10/24/08

Exp Points:
8,250 / 8,700
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Vote Power:
6.94 votes
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Am I a statwhore?

Posted by SuperMarioBrosS - August 29th, 2010

I was looking over my Newgrounds stats, and I was just wondering...

Am I a statwhore?

I always thought of myself as NOT being a statwhore, because I've never been crazy to increase those numbers to the max.

However, I looked over my stats and noticed the B/P, whistle and EXP level, and got me thinking. Those numbers make me look like a statwhore, BUT...

Look at the BBS post count and review count... those are all 0, but a statwhore would review/post as much as he/she can to raise those numbers.

So half of my stats are fairly high and the other half are a 0. So I pose this question to you:

Am I a statwhore?

FYI, I don't B/P every single UJ submission. I only B/P if I ever go to the flash portal. B/P is such a bore anyway.

And I (indirectly) statwhore the whistle, which is an invisible stat compared to B/P and EXP, so unlike other statwhores who statwhore visible stats I only increase the invisible, therefore...


you are a half stat whore

Hmmm that makes a lot of sense.

i don't think you're a stat whore.

there are people who have higer stats and reviews then you. so i don't think so.

Yeah I agree with you.

BTW just because people have low stats doesn't mean they are statwhores. A statwhore is defined as a user who spends a lot of his time leveling up his account... the amount of stats he/she has doesn't matter.

You are, somewhat. I mean, look at our EXP pts and Levels. They're close and I've been gettin EXP pts since I signed on.

I missed a few EXP deposits, but I do have a much higher B/P rank and whistle than you do.

However you beat me in BBS posts (LMAO) and reviews.

I am a stat whore with no good stats. but I don't consider bbs post and reviews as a stat in my opinion. I think of only your level, rank, and whistle as stats. The post and reviews I just think of them as bonus.

Oh hi Domo... you may know me as Zombicidle in the NGPD. I saw your rejection to the EGB... sorry to hear that.


In my view, all the numbers in the left side of a user page are stats except the trophies (since less than 1% of users get them). But your opinion is important, and I understand your perspective.

I agree that the posts and reviews are a bonus, but they are still used to brag against other statwhores (look in the Level Up Lounge in the Wi/Ht forum).

BTW, you actually have some good stats... level 16 with around 1,000 BBS posts and a private (I'm assuming all of this from the NGPD) is quite good for your sign up date.

Also the only reason I really care about my stats is my voting pow. I like to make my vote count so I try to make it as best as could be. But every time I rank up or get a new whistle I make a news post about it so thats kinda stat whorish. And how come you never post in the bbs or leave reviews? Is that like the part of newgrounds you never really cared for?

Ironically, that's the only reason why I bother to level up B/P and EXP... I could hardly care about those pictures as long as I got the power. It makes it easier to blam whistle-worthy crap in the random event it doesn't get enough whistles.

I agree... making a news post for every level up can be statwhorish sometimes unless you hit a particular stat mine (like going to private/1,000 BBS posts).

Yes I personally never cared about the BBS... I only post there with Zombicidle rarely if someone is in need for help (like in the Wi/Ht? forum). Other than that I don't post to the BBS. As for reviews, I don't really have the time to write a review (I write long reviews) for a submission... it's too time consuming. Long before you signed up (9 months ago) I got all my BBS posts and reviews deleted by Wade, and didn't make a single review/post since.

By the way, by any chance do you need help leveling up your whistle? I went way over deity when it comes to flagging reviews, and I can flag up to 100 reviews in any given day... I can forward some to you if you need help.

Whistles count as status (since it says it right there; lol). I'd hafta consider you a half-statwhore.

It is funny how I beat you in BBS posts since I rarely post there. XD

Yeah I agree with you whistle counts as a stat. Besides, it's under "Newgrounds Stats" so of course.

Half-statwhore works best. I still prefer to not be a statwhore, but hey let's not be in denial.

Yeah I find that extremely hilarious. You never post yet you have more BBS posts than me. (JUST BY 2!!!!!)

Well, that's that. Case closed. You're a half-statwhore. Join me, my half-point grabbin brother!

And you used to be in the BBS, too. Man, I love this. XP

LMAO. Screw you I'm at a higher level than you are (B/P beats the shit out of your stats).

Yeah I USED to be, but the post count still stays 0, so it doesn't count.

Damn it. I may be at a higher Lv than you, but you have more skill (rank).

Yeah, I know. Just sayin.

Yes exactly.

I have much more voting power than you, so I have more power on the flash portal.

But you still beat my voting power in audio/art...