So yesterday on the Newgrounds Guide Chat, ilikeblamingcrap and I were messing with mod tools... seeing if we can ban other mods or give them time outs or kicks. We used time outs, but then the ban button was put into question. I decided to test it and banned NGReviewEater (which is my alt in UStream, but NOT my alt in Newgrounds). However, since the creator of the chat (me) and NGReviewEater shared the same IP, and UStream bans are IP-based, NGReviewEater dragged me to hell with him.
Normally I thought this wouldn't be a problem, but when I tried to log on I couldn't get in to the chat!!! Like WTF?????
So now the creator of the chat couldn't get in despite being the "administrator" of that chat... and he banned himself...
Now I had to use a lesser power, ilikeblamingcrap (moderator), to get my ass, the admin of the chat, unbanned. In Newgrounds that would be the complete opposite, but on UStream... just wow.
That is my fail of the month. Discuss.
Big fail indeed, you should have stopped at timing out.
Yeah I should.
Everything went wrong when I decided to mess with the ban.