Now in the Newgrounds Guide Chat I can broadcast myself flagging abusive reviews, archiving crap, making news posts, and whatever shit I'm doing on Newgrounds. I can maintain 100% constant stream now... no need for iphone.
I LOVE YOU USTREAM (but I love you more Newgrounds).
To see what I'm doing GET IN NAO.
I was broadcasting myself writing this news post.
Wade being a media whore actually referred me to Ustream... I probably would have never discovered Ustream it if weren't for Wade and his snow cam...
IMPORTANT EDIT: There are some issues with my computer and internet connection that's making the quality be fucking shit. My computer has 30 chrome tabs open (image archive FTL), and I'm currently using wireless internet instead of wired... so this Sunday or Monday I'll try again with all my shit closed and the internet being wired.
ooh cool
It'll be fun watching you watch your porn