My high school is full of immature idiots whom think drawing dicks is hilarious. To rectify that statement I am going to post huge ass 5 MB pictures of instances a dick has been drawn. 3 of them have been erased while 2 still remains (I'll get them on Monday). No this will not be a cock gallery for once NGRE hits 1000 posts the gallery ends.
1. A big dick with the two parts of the scrotum take up the entire height of the classroom chalkboard. The actual penis was hilariously small though.
2. A penis drawn in one of the library tables.
3. A female classmate drawing a dick in a male senior's quiz folder (later was changed to a smiley face).
Also the next post will be about NG (geographically).
Does your school/college have dicks drawn in random places?
Seriously, drawing cocks is not at all funny.
DUDE i know EXACTLY how you feel. trust me. my friends do the exact same thing.
Just wow...
Do you ever have the temptation to punch them in the face?