I was looking over my Newgrounds stats, and I was just wondering...
Am I a statwhore?
I always thought of myself as NOT being a statwhore, because I've never been crazy to increase those numbers to the max.
However, I looked over my stats and noticed the B/P, whistle and EXP level, and got me thinking. Those numbers make me look like a statwhore, BUT...
Look at the BBS post count and review count... those are all 0, but a statwhore would review/post as much as he/she can to raise those numbers.
So half of my stats are fairly high and the other half are a 0. So I pose this question to you:
Am I a statwhore?
FYI, I don't B/P every single UJ submission. I only B/P if I ever go to the flash portal. B/P is such a bore anyway.
And I (indirectly) statwhore the whistle, which is an invisible stat compared to B/P and EXP, so unlike other statwhores who statwhore visible stats I only increase the invisible, therefore...